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Our Story

A Sanctuary for Women

We established our establishment to provide women with the flexibility they deserve. Among us are compassionate mothers caring for children with special needs, dedicated individuals looking after elderly parents, and those shouldering the primary caregiving responsibilities in their households. We are resilient survivors of cancer, and advocates for uplifting our fellow women. In a world where women often face the tough choice between career and family, our salon emerged as a haven. It's a sanctuary where we find belonging and cultivate our individual identities beyond familial roles.


Thriving Against Odds

Established years ago in Issaquah, skeptics doubted our success in this industry, citing our unique platform. Yet, not only did we weather the storm of a pandemic, but we also thrived. Our passion for what we do, coupled with a profound love for our clients, has been the driving force. Additionally, our commitment extends to giving back to the community that has generously supported us. We take pride in being an animal cruelty-free salon, eschewing real mink lashes in favor of our own brand that offers a lightweight and naturally appealing alternative.

Elevate Your Self-Care


Our Team

Since 2002, I've observed the beauty industry's evolution, recognizing it as more than just enhancing appearances; it's essential self-care. From styled lashes to permanent makeup, our services address diverse needs. Our clientele includes women with unique challenges, such as caregiving or battling cancer. Despite adversities, we're a dedicated team passionate about our work. We prioritize giving back to our supportive community, fostering mutual growth. In conclusion, I hope you feel beautiful today and always.

Annie Nguyen

I was present with Sister Thuy Nguyen when the shop first opened, and during that time, we learned a lot from each other. However, I had to take some time off for chemotherapy as I was battling breast cancer. Remarkably, my boss chose not to fill my position but instead encouraged me to focus solely on my recovery. Now that I've returned, I'm overjoyed to reunite with all the clients whom I hold dear.

Titi Dinh

Hello, my name is Cindi, and I absolutely love making my clients beautiful. I would be honored to be your lash artist.

Cindy KD

Hello, my name is Nancy, and lashes are my passion. I take great joy in making my clients feel beautiful. I missed all of my clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am delighted that we are now operating at full capacity to ensure that all of our clients feel gorgeous once again.

Nancy Kentin

Hello, my name is Vanessa. I have a passion for being a lash artist. My goal is not only to make our clients beautiful but also to maintain the health of their lashes.

Vanessa Truong

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Mia's Eyelash Boutique @ 2024

Created by Media Vines Corp